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Mapmaker Monday

Twisted Tower - Don't Look Down!
Not to be confused with Tilted Towers from Fortnite: Battle Royale, Twisted Tower was the second map made during a stream of making...

Process Plant - Takes the 'ing' out of words that need them
Process Plant was a map made during a stream where the theme was to make capture the bag maps, and make them well. The key to a good...

Splitter Storm - Kill some Cold Creatures
Splitter Storm is a map I made in a stream where I made an attempt to fix some of the problems that arose in my last attempt at making a...

Church - Finally, a Horror map!
Church was the second map in a stream where the main focus of the map design was to make an objective map first. Church is a complete...

Temple Turvy - Unlock the Mystery
Temple Turvy was made during a stream where the main focus of the maps were to be for objective modes, not necessarily for just team...

Mind the Gap - Lap by Lap
Mind the Gap is a race course map that was made during a stream where the idea was to make, well, a race course from scratch. Mind the...

Deep Flight - The Final Frontier
Deep Flight was made during a stream that started with the idea to avoid making symmetrical maps. Sadly, instinct came over me, and I...

Firestarter - One Hot Club...
Firestarter was made during a stream where (at the moment) the theme was to try to make an asymmetrical map, as most, if not all, of my...

Hotel California - You Can Never Leave...
Hotel California was made during a stream where I made the attempt to make a single player sneaking mission. Hotel California is a story...

Uproot - A Vertical Challenge
Uproot was the second map made during the theme of multiplayer maps centered around 4-Team gameplay. Uproot is a large, vertical, and...

Hot Block - A Hot Spot for 4-way Action
Hot Block was made during a stream where the theme was to make multiplayer maps with the idea that you would play them with 4 teams. Hot...

Bunker Brawl - Assault and Battery
Bunker Brawl was made during the "Assault Map" Stream, and also just so happens to be the second map in a row that's mostly orange....

Temple Trouble - Try and Survive
Temple Trouble is the map I made during Mapmaker Monday in the theme of Survival Temple Trouble my first map to take place in a place...

Missile Silo - The Real Arctic Circle
Missile Silo is the second of the two maps I made on the second week of Mapmaker Monday where I tiptoed into the realm of glitch tiles....

Zeppelin Underbelly - A Window to the Outside World
Zeppelin Underbelly was created on week two of Mapmaker Monday, where I explored the possibilities of glitch tiles. Zeppelin Underbelly...
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