Splitter Storm - Kill some Cold Creatures

Splitter Storm is a map I made in a stream where I made an attempt to fix some of the problems that arose in my last attempt at making a survival map.
Splitter Storm is a very compact military map made up of three buildings and a decently sized outside area where some of the buildings connect via large bridges. You must safely navigate from weapon to weapon, as well as build the points and properly manage your ammo to effectively survive this brutal map.
This map ended up as a mixed bag of sorts in terms of its overall quality. The map was originally going to be twice the size with twice the enemies and twice the the logic, but as far as story maps go, that kind of ambitious map design wouldn't fly. However, with the addition of purchasing guns and the extra difficulty of dealing with TimeSplitters, the ability to freely navigate the map may only be a small blemish on an overall superior survival map... until next time...

Download "Splitter Storm" on its own: http://www.mediafire.com/file/vbk8330z99vw755/Splitter%20Storm%204-23-18.ps2
Download "Hairybones' Ultimate Map Pack Vol. 1": https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jX6BgwsPPDZBsKhjPke77bqLowPg6Vpx/view?usp=sharing