Deep Flight - The Final Frontier

Deep Flight was made during a stream that started with the idea to avoid making symmetrical maps. Sadly, instinct came over me, and I just had to make this one symmetrical. It was too good of an idea to not make symmetrical!
Deep Flight is another fast paced map that came out of this stream, and this one is close quarters firefights: the map. If you can handle your enemies right in front of your face shooting at you, you might not be able to handle the intensity that this map offers.
This map is a great time in just your standard deathmatch game mode, or any free-for-all based game mode you're into, because there's a high chance you'll not run into anyone as you spawn, but only seconds later, you're in a five-way firefight with half the players in the next room over.

Download "Deep Flight" on its own:
Download "Hairybones' Ultimate Map Pack Vol. 1":