Bunker Brawl - Assault and Battery

Bunker Brawl was made during the "Assault Map" Stream, and also just so happens to be the second map in a row that's mostly orange.
Bunker Brawl is an assault map where the goal of the attackers is to go to three bases and activate a switch within each of them to "capture" them. The goal of the defenders then, obviously, is to prevent this from happening...
Without the advent of playing online through an emulator and Xlink Kai (or at least as of writing this), this map may be best played where you play alone against 7 bots on the other team for any kind of challenge, or maybe if you're a big fan of balance in maps, you can watch from the sidelines as a 3v3 of bots dukes it out to see who really is... the assault *DUN DUN DUN*.

Download "Bunker Brawl" on its own:http://www.mediafire.com/file/a1m58hcek2wu12r/Bunker%20Brawl%203-12-18.ps2
Download "Hairybones' Ultimate Map Pack Vol. 1": https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jX6BgwsPPDZBsKhjPke77bqLowPg6Vpx/view?usp=sharing