Process Plant - Takes the 'ing' out of words that need them

Process Plant was a map made during a stream where the theme was to make capture the bag maps, and make them well.
The key to a good capture the bag map is the ability for a team to be able to have access to multiple points on the other team's way to their bag base without giving the other team a shortcut. This has been done effectively by making the spawn points have easy access to the middle of the map as well as bag bases, and then to protect the team bases, there are turrets inside each base that will vaporize the other team if they attempt to enter.
This map is made for capture the bag, so naturally, the map will strive there, but zones and bagtag are also great team modes to try out on this fast-paced map. Be mindful, though, that turrets don't aim for AI in the PS2 version of Future Perfect, so try to play this one with friends.

Download "Process Plant" on its own:
Download "Hairybones' Ultimate Map Pack Vol. 1":