Upmost Outpost - A Post of Importance

Upmost Outpost was made during my second ever assault map stream!
Upmost Outpost is an Assault Map (I think you got that already) where the attackers must head to the center bottom point from the far reaches of the map to hit a switch, then switch sides with the defenders to hit four switches around the map, then finally from the bottom of the map, go to the edge, climb to the top, then fall into a pit to hit one last switch.
This one doing the "Hairybones Patent Pending Super Deluxe Maybe a Challenge Assault Mode" with you against 7 AI on the hardest difficulty can be extremely tough to win, and it's all due to that last point being so difficult to access and then survive in. It's a trek to get up there, and it's a real challenge being in a small room with 7 guns pointed at you. I dare you to give this one a shot.

Download "Upmost Outpost" on its own: http://www.mediafire.com/file/b11cppqcadb5ca4/Upmost%20Outpost%206-4-18.ps2
Download "Hairybones' Ultimate Map Pack Vol. 1": https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jX6BgwsPPDZBsKhjPke77bqLowPg6Vpx/view?usp=sharing