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Mapmaker Monday

Splitter Storm - Kill some Cold Creatures
Dead Zone is my third attempt at making a survival level in Mapmaker Monday, and I think I got it right this time. Dead Zone is a compact...

Corporate Takeover - Tactical Espionage Action
Corporate Takeover is a map I made during a stream where I attempted to make another sneaky story map. Corporate Takeover puts you in the...

Splitter Storm - Kill some Cold Creatures
Splitter Storm is a map I made in a stream where I made an attempt to fix some of the problems that arose in my last attempt at making a...

Mind the Gap - Lap by Lap
Mind the Gap is a race course map that was made during a stream where the idea was to make, well, a race course from scratch. Mind the...

Hotel California - You Can Never Leave...
Hotel California was made during a stream where I made the attempt to make a single player sneaking mission. Hotel California is a story...

Temple Trouble - Try and Survive
Temple Trouble is the map I made during Mapmaker Monday in the theme of Survival Temple Trouble my first map to take place in a place...
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