Switchback - Hunker around the Bunker

Switchback was a map made in the theme of making "Island" maps, or maps that are surrounded by the background.
Switchback is a tiny 9x9 map layered together with bunker pieces, those of which I rarely use, to outline the map, crab ramps to make your way up, and a secret-ish room in the middle full of rocket launchers and armour packs. Be watchful though, as the center of that room brings you to the bottom floor full of nothing special.
As tiny as it is, playing pretty much any mode on this map is a blast, but to get the bots really moving around the place, try playing Zones or Capture the Bag.

Download "Switchback" on its own: http://www.mediafire.com/file/a1espa3q24ivizf/Switchback%205-28-18.ps2
Download "Hairybones' Ultimate Map Pack Vol. 1": https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jX6BgwsPPDZBsKhjPke77bqLowPg6Vpx/view?usp=sharing