Hey everybody,
If you've just joined or are considering joining, I'm glad you've found your way here, because this stuff is pretty important. These rules are going to adapt and change based on time and the needs of the forum-goers, so check back here every now and again to make sure you aren't doing anything you shouldn't.
1. No posting anything, publicly or in private messages, that offends anyone else, on or off the forum, based on Age, Affiliation, Culture, Race, Skin Color, Religion, Creed, Biological Sex, Gender, or Sexual Preference. However, feel free to make fun of yourself for any of that as much as you want.
2. Please refrain from using foul language as much as possible. You can use foul language, but overly excessive use will cause action to be taken.
3. No posting images, videos, or links to offensive, graphic, or pornographic material.
4. Refrain from bumping threads or creating multiple threads with the same topic.
5. Do not plagiarize map submissions with others' maps.
6. Please avoid linking map files to sketchy download sites. Sites that you should use include but are not limited to Google Drive, Mediafire, Dropbox, and MEGA. If the link contains excessive or deceptive advertisements, is not the file mentioned in the attached post, requires login, or contains polls, the link will be taken down.
Admins and Mods will respond to issues within the forums based on the severity of the rules broken. Best practice for posting topics and replies is to try and be honest in your posts, and try not to offend anybody, you'll be all set.